
The Spirituality of Friendship

There have been numerous studies that show friendship affects our physical health. People with more and deeper friendships live longer, and their years are filled with more good health. Friendship is also important to our psychological well being. There have been studies that show it reduces stress, increases joy, and makes us generally mentally healthier. Friendships are important to us.

Listen to or read Bingham’s entire sermon on friendship by clicking “Read More.”

God's dream, God's vision, of love

God loves you. God loves you, without question, without reservation. God loves you. You already know that because we preach that all the time here at St. Mary’s. We tell you that God loves you a lot. It’s usually how we end sermons, but today we are starting there.

Listen to or read Bingham’s full sermon about God’s love by clicking “Read More”

The Incarnation and the Resurrection – An Easter Sermon

All of the Incarnational stuff from Christmas to Good Friday is the first part of what God is doing to reconcile humanity to God. God is going to humanity in its fullness. This is Part I. Today is the beginning of Part II, the Resurrection.

Listen to or read Bingham’s entire sermon for Easter Day by clicking “Read More.”

Another Look at the Book of Revelation: A Revelation of God's Dream

To put it bluntly, that way of looking at the Book of Revelation is wrong. But it captured a popular imagination in this country which has led to two responses. One is that you love that stuff, and even though it hasn't happened yet, you are still looking for it. The other response is just to say, who cares about the Book of Revelation. In 2000 years no one has figured this out, so it is just a waste of time.

I think this is a great tragedy for us because the book of Revelation is a rich book that has so much to offer us if we stop looking at it as some kind of road map, this prediction that happened 2000 year ago, and start trying to understand it differently.

To listen to or read Bingham’s entire sermon for the Sixth Sunday of Easter, click “Read More.”

A Community of Love

Whatever metaphor you want to use for the Church, for example, the Church is like the solar system and the star we orbit around is love. Or the Church is a building being constructed and the plumb line of our life is love. Or you can say that we are a symphony and the tuning note of the orchestra is love. We are meant to focus on love. We can disagree on all the other stuff; we can work through it, but love is the center. That is what we are tying to do today in this community. We are tying to be that community of love.

To listen to or read Bingham’s entire sermon for the Fifth Sunday of Easter, click “Read More.”