Christmas Eve

It's Good to be Human

Merry Christmas to you all! We did it! We’re here! What a lovely night, what a special occasion to come together with family and friends to hear the story told once again, to listen to the readings from scripture and sing the Christmas carols. Welcome, welcome, one and all. It is a joy to be together with you this night, THE NIGHT, the night when we recognize and remember the coming into the world of a little baby born in Bethlehem. The angels brought the good news to shepherds watching over their flocks in the field by night, and this good news echoes throughout time to us on this night.

Where was Jesus born? Where is God incarnate?

"Theologically, the creche tradition is a beautiful visual representation of Incarnation. Yes, God became flesh in a particular time and place over 2000 years ago in Bethlehem, but scripture reminds us, scripture teaches us that the Christ is not limited only to that one particular moment, place, and time. Christ is Incarnate in our particularities, as well. Christ is with us as a baby in Peru, or an infant in Kenya."

Click “Read More” to read or listen to Bingham's entire sermon. You can also watch the sermon in the Solemn service on our Christmas page:

God Kindles a Fire in Our Darkness

Christmas feels like home and all the comfort that word conjures up inside of me. And yet, I’m acutely aware as we read this Gospel tonight, that the first Christmas was anything but home for Mary and Joseph. They were not home for the holidays when this day first became holy. They were at the end of a long journey, having just left their home, a journey that had been made much more difficult given the late stage of Mary’s pregnancy.