
Change your hearts and lives, heaven is here!

Guess who’s back? John the Baptist, AGAIN! When Jesus hears about his cousin’s arrest, he goes to Galilee. He leaves his home in Nazareth and sets up in Capernaum, by the sea. He calls some of his first disciples, Andrew, Peter, James and Jon, and he launches his public ministry. Remember when his mom wanted him to help with the wedding feast in Cana and he told her it wasn’t his time? Now, it’s his time. And from this point he begins changing his world in ways that are still resonating today. The first message of Jesus’ public ministry is: “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven has come near.” (Matt 4: 17)

To read Ryan’s entire sermon, click “Read More.”

The KINdom of God

We are very clearly divided, held captive by polarization and demonization by all sides. How will? How can this distance between us be bridged? When might we return to caring for each other, to listening, agreeing to disagree, and returning each person to the dignity they are due as people created in the loving image and likeness of God?

Listen to or read Ryan’s full sermon for the Last Sunday after Pentecost by clicking “Read More.”