Saturday Breakfast

Hospitality and Welcome

We find in today’s Gospel one of the most familiar Biblical stories of hospitality. Lazarus may have come home early to let his sisters know that Jesus and his friends were coming for dinner. Mary and Martha tidied up the house and began dinner preparations. The guests arrived as one sister prepared the meal and the other sister welcomed the guests and shared in the pre-dinner conversation. This is a scene very familiar to us, especially those of us who have homes without open concept, where one or more are preparing food in the kitchen and the others are in the living room making lively conversation so the guests feel at home.

Listen to or read Deacon Nancy Crawford’s entire sermon by clicking “Read More.”

4 Easter: The New Commandment: Love

4 Easter:  The New Commandment:  Love

These folks that 1st John is concerned about may have been using the word love, but it does not mean what they seem to think it means. Nothing in how they live their lives actually embodies that love. They hoard their belongings, they seek security over relationship, they refuse to help. In that old adage, “actions speak louder than words, “ 1st John encouraged the people to whom he was writing to love fully and truly. Little children, let us love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action.