
What the Samaritan Woman Can Teach Us

 It’s hard for me to imagine how this woman must have felt at finding a strange man sitting by the well, a man who upon speaking to her turned out to be a Jew. Her surprise at the situation notwithstanding, the woman did converse with Jesus, though initially that didn’t go terribly well. As in conversations Jesus had with Nicodemus, a well-educated Pharisee and member of the Sanhedrin, to those he had with his disciples who traveled with him and on some levels knew him well, what Jesus said to the woman and what she heard were definitely not the same thing.

Listen to or read Sharon’s entire sermon by clicking “Read More.”

Welcomed to the Table: Made in the Image of a Triune God

“You know me. I love the Church Year. The Church Year has a shape to it, and when we allow that shape of the Church Year to shape our lives, it can draw us closer to God. It can draw us into holiness. There are so many beautiful things about the Church Year. Each season has a richness and meaning that can help form us. But the year is also beautiful in its larger overarching shape as we have been talking about the last few weeks.”

Click “Read More” to read or listen to Bingham’s entire sermon for Trinity Sunday.