
Salt and Light

In today’s gospel, we continue the story of Jesus teaching his disciples on the mountain. Jesus began his public ministry with the call to metanoia, a changing of heart, mind, and action. And he declared that God’s kingdom, (which remember for Jesus this kingdom is in contrast to the kingdoms of the world, whose ways of ruling emphasize power over others, in this kingdom that Jesus proclaims, governance is more equal, more relational, more connected, with everyone working together as kin, so Jesus’ kingdom is more of a kindom), and this kingdom slash kindom that he declared, was very near, and in fact, was being created in their midst through Jesus’ works of healing and love. And Jesus invited everyone to help create this kindom.

To read Ryan’s entire sermon, click “Read More.”

So That We Might Have Hope

What Paul reminds us of today is that these stories, and our traditions at this dreary and cold time of the year, are meant as lights for us, guiding, encouraging, reminding us of what is to come, offering hope. The coming of God into our world in the form of a human baby, the Creator of the Universe incarnate, dwelling here among us, as one of us, has ENORMOUS and everlasting implications.

Listen to or read Ryan’s entire sermon by clicking “Read More.”

Repentance: Preparing Our Hearts for Jesus

It’s Advent, that wonderful, delightful time to prepare for Christmas. And there are all kinds of ways we do that: we might light candles on an Advent wreath, put up a tree, decorate the home, hang some boughs, put up some lights outside to light up the world, baking, shopping for presents, shipping gifts, sending Christmas cards. But who among you reflects on the fact that you are a “brood of vipers?” I don’t see a single hand going up. It’s not the usual Advent preparation we think about, but it is the one that John the Baptist calls us to today. We usually think about repentance as part of our Lenten preparations for Easter, but it is a part of these Advent preparations. It is a minor note, but it is here: “You brood of vipers. Bear fruit worthy of repentance.”

2 Easter: While it was Still Dark...

2 Easter:  While it was Still Dark...

It is not different for us today. We are in the midst of fear, anxieties, and worries, which may be legion. There are many things of which to be afraid in this life. Internal and external fears abound. And in the midst of all that fear is the place where Jesus comes and says Peace be with you. Whatever fear-filled locked rooms we have put ourselves in, or been put in, Jesus shows up, offering us peace.