A COVID Update - A Change in our Masking Policy

COVID cases are spiking locally. On Friday, July 30th, Lane County moved into the Center for Disease Control’s highest risk category for COVID spread. Models from the State of Oregon show that cases will continue to increase through the middle of August. The Oregon Health Authority is asking that all Oregonians, regardless of vaccine status, wear masks indoors in all public settings to help slow down the rate of COVID’s spread.

Therefore, following the new recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Oregon Health Authority, and the Episcopal Diocese of Oregon, masks are again required indoors in all spaces at St. Mary’s, regardless of vaccination status. Groups that would like to gather in-person without masks should consider outdoor options. We will monitor the situation and look forward to the day we can soon loosen up these regulations again.

Masks will be required at all Sunday services inside the building, however, altar party and lay readers who have been vaccinated may remove their masks while speaking so they can be better understood.

Please keep in mind that there are members of our community who are not able to be vaccinated: all children under the age of 12, and those with certain auto-immune diseases and allergies. As followers of Jesus, we are called to care for the most vulnerable.

We know that this return to previous guidelines will be comforting to some and disheartening to others. We ask for your patience, your prayers, and your solidarity as we love our neighbors by taking these measures to keep everyone in our community safe.

Vaccination remains the best way to protect yourself and to stop the spread of COVID to others, including those most vulnerable. We highly recommend everyone who is eligible and able get vaccinated. If you have already been vaccinated, perhaps you know others you can encourage to get the vaccine. Vaccines are safe, effective, and widely available at no cost to the recipient.