A One-Year Reflection

I can’t believe that June 20th marks my one-year anniversary as your Curate! Time has really flown by! I am filled with gratitude for your support, care, and grace as I grow into my priestly ministry. You are kind, welcoming, and understanding, allowing me to learn with you. Thank you!

As I look back one year, I remember how excited we were when someone would stop by the office. It was so good just to see parishioners, to hear about their lives and to interact. In the same way, when participants in our video services would come in to be recorded, or when I would receive videos from their homes, it was a joy to see faces and hear voices and to get to know parishioners. And, as we gathered upstairs in Berktold Hall, as psalm 122 says, “I was glad when they said to me, ‘Let us go to the house of the Lord.’” To be together, gathered as the body of Christ to worship, pray, and receive the Eucharist was a blessing during the separation of the pandemic.

As a new priest, each chance to celebrate the Eucharist and preach helped me gain confidence and grow more comfortable in this new role. To work with the staff and volunteers as we sought to expand our offerings, in the safest way possible, was important, hard work. Slowly, as we were able to come back together, the energy, appreciation, and love were tangible. Everyone was so appreciative, and on occasions both clergy and parishioners were moved to tears, touched deeply by the return to beloved St. Mary’s activities.

As I look forward to this next year and all the continued growth and expansion it offers, I am excited, humbled, and proud to be a part of this amazing community. I am truly blessed by the supportive team of clergy and staff, and all of you who show me your genuine care. Over this past year, you have offered me the experience of coming together in some of the toughest conditions to care, support, and grow in God’s love. I am truly grateful.

In the healing love of Christ,

Curate Ryan+