Update on Ventilation for the Church

We are thrilled to announce that construction for our new HVAC system for the church has begun! We are so close to having a safer and more comfortable worship space. Of course, as is often the case with construction, there will be some inconveniences as we move through this phase. As they demolish the old system and put in the new, the church and chapel might feel a little chilly this month. If you are coming to our in-person services in the sanctuary, we encourage you to layer up.

We hope this project will be as unobtrusive to our life together as possible; however, there will likely be hiccups and we thank you for your grace during this time. We will update you as the project moves along.

When completed, this new system will bring in more fresh air. This increased exchange of air will help remove airborne contaminants, like cold and flu viruses. The new system will also add cooling, making our space more hospitable in the summer, particularly during heat waves. Better temperature control in the church will also protect our pianos and organ. The new system will be more energy efficient and electric, reducing our use of fossil fuels.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to this project!