Zoom Services at St. Mary's: A New Kind of Listening

For me, one of the miracles of the past year has been Zoom services at St. Mary’s. Since the beginning of COVID, we have gathered nearly 200 times online, for Wednesday and Friday morning prayer, and evening prayer. (In addition, the Spanish Zoom service meets each week.)

At first, I was skeptical. Can people really feel the energy and presence of God and of other people on a computer screen?

As the months went by, it became clear that we can. These services have become a sacred space. We see one another face-to-face (without masks!) in our homes. We have come to know and trust one another in new ways. We pray deeply, sit together in rich silence. We have experienced God’s presence in unexpected ways. We share our struggles and joys.

We have learned to listen in new ways.

Someone has suggested that this might be one of the higher purposes of the internet. We can come together as a community, worship, share presence, listen to God together, and be with each other. Wherever two or three or gathered, Christ told us, there I am. This is true online as well.

I invite you to check one of the services out, especially as we begin a second autumn with social distancing. We are very happy to help you with any technical issues you may have. Many of us have been greatly empowered by strengthening our ability to reach out to others virtually.

Please join us. The links to each of the services can be found in the Tuesday and weekend emails.

Questions? Email: christine@saint-marys.org.

Submitted by the Rev. Christine Marie,

Small Group Ministry Developer