Earth Day

Earth Day, 2020 A Look Back

The Earth Stewards committee had originally planned to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Earth Day on Sunday, April 19, but obviously that couldn’t happen due to the virus pandemic. We hope to celebrate the event sometime in the fall after things are back to normal. Although that may seem strange, we really should be honoring our Mother Earth every day of the year.

Earth Day

As Christians, we have a responsibility to care for God’s creation. At the end of the first chapter of Genesis, we are told that humanity has been given dominion over creation. This has been misunderstood by some to mean that we can use, even abuse, creation however we would like. But Scripture teaches us quite clearly that dominion from a Christian perspective means to be servants, not lords. We were invited to be stewards, not rulers, of creation. We are to appropriately use, not abuse, this gift that God has given us.